Building The World As We Want It To Be
At the heart of our work, we listen to each other in one-on-one conversations, house meetings, and listening sessions. We build relationships of trust across differences. We research the best solutions to the problems faced in our neighborhoods. We build power and act together to change our communities for the better. And we reflect and evaluate to learn from our work and plan for the future.

Annapolis Advocacy Day: Jan 30, 2025
On Thursday, January 30, 116 of us from the Maryland Just Power Alliance (ACT, AIM, and PATH) came to Annapolis to participate in our democracy!
Statewide Action for a Just Democracy
On Sunday, November 17th, 729 of us from ACT, PATH, and AIM gathered at St. John the Evangelist Church in Columbia for our Statewide Action for a Just Democracy! We …
Standing in Solidarity After the Election
At this time after the election, we know that our communities feel deeply divided and many of us are experiencing anxiety about what lies ahead. Regardless of our politics, our …