On Thursday, January 30, 116 of us from the Maryland Just Power Alliance (ACT, AIM, and PATH) came to Annapolis to participate in our democracy!
We met in groups with 25 of our State Senators and Delegates and their staff. We asked them to support issues that matter personally to us:
- the ReNEW Act,
- the Housing for Jobs Act,
- Good Cause Eviction, and
- Pre-K expansion.
- We also researched policies to protect immigrants.

Our presence made a difference. We consistently hear from legislators and staff that our advocacy—as constituents who are directly affected by these issues—helps move legislation forward. For example, Senator Henson drafted a Pre-K expansion bill specifically around our priorities because she was impressed by us at our Nov 17 action. Similarly, Secretary of Housing Jake Day, who addressed us yesterday, shared that the Housing for Jobs Act would not have been introduced without our advocacy last fall.
Over the next 2 months, we will continue our advocacy. We are returning to Annapolis to meet with our legislators on Monday, February 17, and we will keep our priorities top of mind with calls and emails.
We are committed to making our communities and state a place where everyone can experience belonging, stability, health, and hope for the future. Our advocacy in Annapolis with the Maryland Just Power Alliance is a powerful example of this commitment. Great work, everyone!